Prosper or Perish - New Zealand Workshops on Strategy for the 21st Century

If you're in New Zealand November 8 or 9, please consider joining us for a dynamic learning opportunity, as Langdon Morris will be in Auckland to lead workshops entitled "Prosper or Perish: Strategy for the 21st Century."The workshops are hosted by New Zealand's own innovation agency, Callaghan Innovation, which successfully promotes and supports innovation for businesses at all stages of development, from start-ups to mature firms.

>> Remember Kodak, Blockbuster or Nokia? Attend this workshop with international innovation expert Langdon Morris and learn how to chart a successful future. It is a highly practical workshop for New Zealand businesses that want to survive the future. In an ever-changing and increasingly complex world it is mission critical to develop effective strategies for survival, growth and success. Learn how to use foresight and scenario planning to chart the future. Master methodologies and techniques that will allow you to map how the forces of change will interact to shape your future survival and success.

The workshop will build upon our most recent book, Foresight and Extreme Creativity: Strategy for the 21st Century, providing participants with practical means for identifying future opportunities and threats, and translating long term strategic goals into short term actions to promote survival and success.Please click here for more information.


The Theory of Innovation


Online Innovation Training Now Available from InnovationLabs!