INNOVA-CON 2019 – Early Bird Registration Ends November 30

Award-winning innovator and InnovationLabs Senior Partner Langdon Morris is chairing Innova-Con 2019, the annual gathering of the International Association of Innovation Professionals (IAOIP). To be held on January 29 & 30, 2019 in Washington DC at the headquarters of the US Chamber of Commerce, this promises to be one of the most interesting innovation conferences of the year.

The focus of the conference is DISRUPTION – The Impact of New Technology – including blockchain, of course, and artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, etc., etc. – on markets and business models across all sectors of the economy, government, and non-profits.

The conference is organized around four hugely important innovation themes, and we’ve got 25 stellar speakers already lined up, from Cisco, Harvard, Baylor, Florida Institute of Technology, Hambrecht Ventures, Spigit, Swarm, the Department of Defense, Rymedi, Fashion Institute, Raytheon, and Consensys, and more are signing on every day.

A Participatory Conference

But … we also know that most of the attendees are great speakers themselves, as IAOIP members are highly knowledge practitioners of innovation. So we’ve designed participatory workshops into the conference during which everyone at the conference will be working together to solve some very specific innovation challenges.

Student Innovation Competition

We’re also running a Student Innovation Competition. Any college student or student team is invited to share their innovative work in poster format. All students who submit their work will be invited to attend to the conference for free, and the top five will receive an additional cash award.

DISRUPTION: The Conference Book

Do you know any best-selling authors personally? Few of us do, but this is your chance to change that…

Given great and timely topics, great speakers, cool collaborative activities, and hundreds of skilled and experienced innovation professionals in one place, how could we resist the idea of turning the proceedings into a book? We couldn’t!

This won’t be a (boring) book of academic papers, but rather a fun, lively, and interactive book full of valuable insights.

And would you like to become a co-author of this future best-seller? Just take a look in the mirror, and then register now, because all conference participants will be listed as co-authors.

Please join us for two awesome learning-filled days in Washington DC in January.

Click here to go to the conference web page, and register before November 30 to get the special early bird rate.





InnovationLabs Is a Finalist for the 2018 Innovation Leader Impact Awards for Our Breakthrough Work with UNICEF