Our newest book (and some say our best) is now available!And with it comes an awesome workshop experience.

The Book

Many years in the making, with  examples from hundreds of companies, dozens of graphics and models, and a complete implementation guide, this is the most complete book on business models ever written.

Here's a small excerpt:

The failure of any business reflects at root the failure to innovate, failure to recognize change, and the inability to respond to change adequately or appropriately.

And today as we see that yet another massive wave of new technology is about to crash across the global marketplace, what with artificial intelligence, blockchains, machine learning, self-driving cars, robots, quantum computing, etc., etc., all arriving immanently, we must therefore anticipate that every existing business model of every existing business is thoroughly and utterly subject to disruption. This is a stark warning about the need to innovate.

So what do winning business models do? They have four key attributes:

Now, wouldn’t it be so incredibly helpful if there were a formula to explain how to do all this, to simplify it and make it useful in practice? And indeed there is! It's a simple, three element framework that tells you how to think about innovating your business model, and how to do it: Innovate INSIDE (the means), Build the BRIDGE (the story), and Craft the OUTSIDE (the experience).

Here are examples from 16 companies, 15 winners an one loser (Sears) that show what they do well, and what caused Sears to fail. (In the book, of course, the description of this framework covers multiple chapters, dozens of examples, and provides you with modeling and diagnostic tools to look in detail at your own company's business model.)

Use this framework and the super detailed explanations in the book to think through your current business model, and to recreate it so that it's relevant for the next generation of the market.

You can download an excerpt of the book here.

The Workshop

A spectacular, interactive learning opportunity.

June 6 - 7, 2019, Boston

Click here to get the brochure and register.

Accelerating External Change, External Business models, and shifts in the global Branding landscape are three of the most important challenges that businesses face today.

This breakthrough thinking workshop is designed to help you …

Foresee the Future

Reinvent Your Business Model, and

Rejuvenate Your Brand

It’s a dynamic learning opportunity.

Engaging, Exciting, Fun, and Super Productive!

Will it be a bunch of static presentations? No, no, no way! Of course not!

This will be filled with interactive activities, discovery opportunities, dialog and exploration, detailed analysis and diagnosis, and you’ll end with a highly detailed prescriptive plan for your organization’s future.

InnovationLabs conducts exciting learning programs globally for some of the world’s top companies.

You’re invited to this rare public workshop, where you’ll experience the best of our best and latest thinking.


Day 1: Foresight, Strategy, Innovation, and Risk

Day 2: Business Model Innovation and Branding

Day 1 

What’s coming from now to 2025, and how to prepare. Foresight, Strategy, Innovation, and Risk

  • How to Anticipate the Future

  • The Driving Forces of Change and Their Impacts

  • Managing Disruptive Change

  • Innovation Strategy

  • How to Manage an Innovation Effort to Succeed Wildly

  • Managing Multiple Levels of Innovation Risk: Company, Career, and Personal

Case Studies:   

  • The Five Royal Disruptors: Robotics, AI, Machine Learning, Blockchain, and Quantum Computing

  • Southwest Airlines

  • Coca-Cola & Pepsi

  • Toyota Scion & Prius

Day 1 Special Guest (invited):

Digital Marketing pioneer Tom Edwards, Chief Digital & Innovation Officer at Epsilon

Day 2

What’s your business model day, and how will it be different tomorrow? What’s your brand today, and how should it be different tomorrow?

  • The Next Battleground: Business Model Warfare

  • Key Principles of Business Model Innovation

  • Analyzing Your Own Business Model

  • Linking the Business Model to the Brand

  • Analyzing Your Brand Today

  • Crafting a Successful 21st Century Brand

Case Studies:   

  • Amazon

  • Netflix

  • Nike

  • Starbucks

  • Uber

Day 2 Special Guest:

World-Renowned Branding Guru Jerome Conlon will join us for Day 2 to share his remarkable insights.

June 6-7, 2019, Boston

Click here to get the brochure and register.


What Makes a Great Brand Great? It's the Bridge!


TURBULENCE 2019: A Scenario Exploration of a Constitutional Crisis in the USA