We're going to be participating in quite a few of the best upcoming innovation events that may be of interest to you, including these ...Innova-Con 2017The International Association of Innovation Professionals annual gathering, March 29 - 31 in Washington D.C. is sure to be a rich and fulfilling learning experience. Langdon Morris will deliver a keynote on Thursday, March 30.Singapore Productivity Centre, Innovation for SMEsLangdon will lead a 3 day workshop on Innovation for Small Business in Singapore from April 5 - 7.  Focusing on the food, retail, and hospitality, this workshop is based on our recent book The Innovation Formula (which you can download for free here).  The workshop is not a classroom session, but a rich, experiential learning opportunity in which the participants will gain on-the-ground experience in discovering sources of new innovations and learn critical skills in prioritizing and managing innovation projects.  The small business context in Singapore is quite challenging at present, with a variety of issues affecting labor, automation, and competition, and local firms looking for an edge will gain a great deal from this workshop.University of Wisconsin Center for Corporate InnovationThe University of Wisconsin Center for Corporate Innovation is holding a series of great workshops, conferences throughout the year that we will be participating in.•  Agile Innovation Workshop in Madison on June 1 & 2 will provide you with a detailed understanding of the breakthrough Agile Innovation process that we described in our recent book of the same title.•  The Innovation Summit 2.0 will be August 15 & 16 also in Madison.  Langdon will be hosting much of the conference and providing a keynote.•  And we're hosting a five day Innovation Master Class in San Francisco and Silicon Valley where we'll get up close and personal with innovative thinkers and companies that are busily forging the next economy.Scenario Planning in New ZealandIn conjunction with New Zealand's innovation leaders at Callaghan Innovation we are planning a scenario planning workshop for later in 2017.  Contact Ross Pearce for more information.


Previews of a few forthcoming items of interest:

Our newest book is coming soon, The Agile Innovation Master Plan, which is a revised version of our now-classic Innovation Master Plan, updated with new insights and models derived from our recent breakthroughs in integrating Agile methodology into the core of innovation.And we're about to release our online Management of Innovation Certification Program, in partnership with the International Association of Innovation Professionals and Florida Institute of Technology.  This 6.5 hour course covers the essential topics for any current or aspiring Innovation Manager.  We'll update this site once the program is available, which will be in March 2017.  


National Innovation Systems, Blockchains, and Accelerating Change


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