In the collaborative design sessions we facilatate we know diversity in the participant mix provides for a greater chance of creating a robust strategy, product or service innovation. In choosing the right participant group we often suggest including customers (or potential customers some times) in the process. Depending on the innovation being explored these could be customers considered 'friends of the family' or they could be customers that have more challenging relationships.

We've found that customers appreciate being invited and the level of engagement and ownership in the process customers demonstrate far outweigh the risks.

Here's an article by Michael Schrage about including customers in the product design process.

My Customer, My Co-Innovator
by Michael Schrage

Cambridge, Mass., August 31, 2006 -- It's difficult to create products that customers want without understanding what they really need. Now that simple realization has spurred companies such as Cisco, Procter & Gamble, and Goldman Sachs to work together with their customers at the earliest stages of the innovation process, while making the entire process more transparent throughout the value chain. As a result, information flows freely between company and customer, designers have a clearer picture of what customers need, and the resulting products are more successful in the marketplace.

I'd by interested in your comments and feedback. Would you feel comfortable including customers in your product design process? Are you already doing that?


The Innovation SWAT Team


Eat your own children? -