Theory of Business, Complexity and Getting Work Done
I've just completed a new white paper about the theory of business, complexity and getting work done. The paper posits that the theory of business in use by anyone involved in business (anyone for that matter) will preclude certain responses to the conditions in the environment and hence will preclude certain ways of organizing to get work done.
Here's a quick summary of the paper:
- Everyone is using a theory of business whether they are aware of it or not
- The dominant theory of business is no longer suited for the environment we are in - which is characterized by increasing levels of complexity
- New ways of working are required to be successful in this complex environment
- Changing the theory of business will allow leaders and managers to 'see' new ways of working
- Collaborative Co-Creation is a new and viable way of working that is suited for this time
- Without changing our theory of business it would be hard for managers and leaders to take advantage of the benefits that an approach like collaborative co-creation can offer
If you are interested in reading the whole story you can download the white paper here.