Engaging Gen Xers at Work

In my white paper about the theory of business and getting work done I made a small case for how collaborative co-creation could be very important for a young generation of workers (called millennials) as a way to engage them at a deeper level then traditional work/jobs.

The following article makes a pretty good case for engaging Gen Xers at a deeper level. Collaborative co-creation has the capability to do that. It has the potential to bring out entrepreneurial spirit, creativity, and a strong feeling of ownership - which I believe most workers will want if they don't already.  
One of the concepts included in sustainability is the concept of a triple bottom line - economic benefit, ecological benefit, and social benefit. Collaborative co-creation can contribute to all three of these but it can surely make significant contributions to the people side - the social side - of sustainability. 
The challenges facing business today are complex and finding ways to engage everyone in an organization in finding sufficient solutions is of primary importance. Collaborative co-creation is a methodology that can engage an entire work force in thriving in 'these interesting times.' 

Ten Reasons Gen Xers Are Unhappy at Work
Corporations really need folks in their 30s to early 40s, but there is a tentative relationship at best between that cohort and Corporate America


Buckminster Fuller Called for a Design Revolution


Theory of Business, Complexity and Getting Work Done