Tobacco Kills 1 Billion in 21st Century

The UN's World Health Organization estimates that during the course of the 21st century, tobacco will kill 500 million people who are alive today, and another 500 million yet to be born. It called on all nations to adopt a six-pronged strategy to dissuade people - especially women and young people - from smoking and to help them quit.

Raising taxes to as high as 75% or more of the pack price would be the single most effective strategy, the WHO said. Higher taxes would also provide funds to counter tobacco industry marketing tactics.

But there's a lot of money in it. For example, who sells cigarettes in China? The government does ... So how long will it take for governments to learn that the cost of death, disease, and lost productivity may be greater than the gains from selling little packs of addictive death?


This blog post is number two in a series on key trends for innovators.

Japan's Declining Population


The Cell Phones Win